To the Brewood Cycle Challenge Sportive
22nd June 2024
The Brewood Cycle Challenge is a British Cycling Registered Sportive that takes place, on a Saturday, each June, based in the picturesque village of Brewood, South Staffordshire.
An established ‘must-do’ event in the area, cyclists leave from St Dominic’s Grammar School for either the 100km or 50km route. The challenge takes in the beautiful scenery of Staffordshire and Shropshire on a circular course through leafy country lanes taking in some challenging but short hills and wonderful scenery. There is always a friendly atmosphere as cyclists return to St Dominic’s for refreshments, music and medals!
The Brewood Cycle Challenge is a ‘country lane’ sportive, as we try to keep riders away from busy main roads, and the routes use quiet country lanes wherever possible. We will always try and use good quality tarmacked lanes but riders should appreciate that it is not a race, speed is not of the essence and so they should come prepared to ride within their own capabilities and be aware of the inherent hazards of riding such country lanes (blind bends, oncoming traffic, tractors, standing water, uneven surfaces, mud, gravel, pot holes, etc).
This fun charity ride continues to fundraise for the 2nd Brewood Scout Group. Proceeds will go towards renovating the Scout facilities ensuring the next generation can benefit from this fantastic organisation which prepares young people with skills for life.